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The Banc d'Arguin is a real jewel of the natural heritage of Arcachon Bay. It attracts more than one visitor every season...

This small island, located at the entrance of the Basin between the Dune du Pilat and Cap-Ferret, spreads out at low tide over 4 km long and 2 km wide. It is one of the typical places of the coast.

Classified as a national nature reserve, this sandbank welcomes every year various species of migratory birds that come to make their young in the sand. A protected area, where a ballet of birds dances in a beautiful blue sky. For young and old alike, it is a real spectacle for the eyes. You may even see a small gull with a black head... the Caugek Tern!

The show does not stop there... this island of blond sand is constantly changing according to the winds and the tides. Indeed, it never has the same shape!

But how to reach this magnificent place? No choice, the trip will be by sea. Sail aboard the traditional boat of the region: "la pinasse", or a maritime shuttle. Count on a crossing of approximately 20 minutes from the Presqu'île du Lège-Cap-Ferret and 1 hour of stroll from the Thiers Pier of Arcachon.


We offer you an excursion to the Arguin Bank. Prepare a snack, beach towel, bathing suit, sunglasses, but especially binoculars and camera, to spend the day in the open air, and to contemplate the landscape.

To begin, a tour of the island, under the gaze of the birds, to stroll, disconnect from everyday life, recharge your batteries. Take a break, enjoy this parenthesis to start the day well. With the kids, go for a walk.  The quest to find the most beautiful shell starts.

To continue the change of scenery, we recommend a big dive in transparent water, which gives the impression of being transported to a deserted island in the middle of the Caribbean. Because yes, in the distance, it is the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean.

To close this day rich in emotions, we recommend you to admire the sunset on the warm sand, accompanied by a picnic. A very good spot to watch the most beautiful sunsets.

Please note that the following are prohibited: dogs, hunting, picking of plants, camping, dumping of garbage, and parking of boats from sunset to sunrise. So remember to take back your garbage to preserve this natural jewel.

Yes, for us, the Banc d'Arguin is a destination that will blow your mind.

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