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You went to the île aux oiseaux and you loved it? Continue the experience by going to observe the birds at the Réserve Ornithologique du Teich...

We had already presented you the île aux oiseaux, located in the middle of the Bassin d’Arcachon. On this island, you can observe different species of birds that regularly come to migrate. Today, we present you the Réserve Ornithologique located on the commune of Teich, where you can also observe thousands of birds.

Being a case of greenery, sand and ocean, the Bassin d’Arcachon is a place where nature exercises its free will. Indeed, hundreds of birds come daily on the territory and leave following. Arcachon is a place of welcome for many species.

That's why the Réserve Ornithologique du Teich was created. It is a natural space preserved and arranged to welcome wild birds and to facilitate the observation.

If you are sensitive to the observation of nature, if you are looking for a place of peace where you can walk, we advise you to visit the Reserve. There is a real closeness that is created when you meet the birds. You will be able to see ducks, swans, geese, herons, egrets, gulls... and many other species. There is a monthly count by the park ornithologists. 323 species or subspecies on the 110 hectares of the reserve have been identified, of which 88 are nesting or have already nested.

During your visit, you will be able to learn more about the birds and natural phenomena that may be taking place in front of you thanks to the information panels set up along the route.

One of the other main missions of the reserve, besides ecotourism, is the conservation of the wild birds that frequent it, and in particular the rare or threatened species. The management of vegetation and water is therefore very important.


We strongly advise you to count 3 to 4 hours of visit, to make the tour of the Reserve. The Park establishes a calendar of the peak hours of the birds according to the movement of the tides, the seasonal particularities, and their knowledge of the behavior of the birds.

The visit is done on foot on a 6 km long path. The trail allows you to really see the whole landscape and bird spots. Every 300 m or so, there is a closed observation hut (which allows a comfortable visit depending on the weather). There are a total of 20 huts along the trail, located in the most suitable places for bird watching.

The places, natural and for the most part artificial, constitute different landscapes. We have identified three of them: lagoons, marshes, and woodlands. Water covers 75% of the territory. The water of the marshes is most often salty. The woodlands occupy the entire southern edge of the reserve.

We recommend that you do the trail between October and March, as this is the wintering period for migratory birds from Northern and Eastern Europe. This is the period when the greatest concentrations of birds are found on the reserve (and when the rarest birds from far away can be seen...).

You may not be able to see all the birds you expect to see, as some are hibernating, migratory and others are sedentary.

To learn more about this ecology, we also recommend guided tours and trainings, accompanied by naturalists. Remember to book in advance!

The reserve is a place that actively contributes to the preservation of biodiversity. It is also a relaxing place, where you can recharge your batteries and connect with nature.

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