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Mlle Inwood





Every summer, I like to cut myself off from Parisian life and go to holidays for a few weeks. A destination is dear to my heart, because it represents for me many memories, the Arcachon Basin. I have been going on holidays for several years in this region with its many assets. A place to which I am attached and which I will probably never leave. 

I remember the first time I went there. I was 8 years old, it was during the traditional family holidays. Since then, I have returned every summer without exception with the same pleasure. I have learned to rediscover Arcachon and its Basin over the years to affirm to you that I believe it is one of the most beautiful places in France, especially thanks to its Basin, its dune and its history. The natural diversity of the Arcachon region is very rich and represents its greatest asset. Between sand dunes, water and forest, it is possible to admire splendid landscapes that are undoubtedly among the most beautiful in the world.


In the heart of this exceptional natural wealth, lies the city of Arcachon. This seaside resort, known to everyone, serves as an anchor point for me during my holidays. Arcachon is a city on a human scale, very pleasant and I particularly appreciate it. With its winter city, its casino and its jetty, Arcachon is a city with a rich history. It underwent its first growth as a spa resort to become one of the most popular seaside resorts in France, thanks in particular to its location on the waterfront, which allows you to take full advantage of all the wonders offered by the Basin. Staying in Arcachon allows you to enjoy water sports, beaches and the sun, but also to relax by visiting a historic city rich in heritage.

The region of the Arcachon Bassin is therefore, in my opinion, a destination for dream holidays that you will never forget.

"Love, Arcachon and elegance"

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